In a just-released order, the California Supreme Court agreed to hear the challenges to Prop 8 filed by a group of lgbt rights organizations. However, it refused to stay the implementation of Prop 8. In so doing, it followed the recommendation of the CA Attorney General's office.
from hunter of justice by Nan Hunter
In a letter brief filed yesterday, a group of professors at California law schools urged the CA Supreme Court to rule that Prop 8 was a revision, rather than an amendment, to the state constitution and thus should not be allowed to stand. The professors argued that the judicial role of protecting social minorities from majoritarian discrimination was a critical government function, that requires a full-scale revision process to change. Professor Donna Ryu of UC-Hastings drafted the argument. It was signed by herself and Pat Cain (Santa Clara), Eric Christiansen (Golden Gate), Mary Dudziak (Southern Cal), Chris Edley (UC-Berkeley), Miye Goishi (UC-Hastings), Joseph Grodin (UC-Hastings), Beth Hillman (UC-Hastings), Joan Hollinger (UC-Berkeley), Kevin Johnson (UC-Davis), Pam Karlan (Stanford), Herma Hill Kay (UC-Berkeley), Gerry Lopez (UCLA), Jean Love (Santa Clara), Larry Marshall (Stanford), Margaret Russell (Santa Clara), and Marci Seville (Golden Gate). Impressive group.