will share their research, expertise, and activism with an emphasis on
histories of exclusion and activism, discourses and practices that
shift the conversation from inclusion to belonging, critical and
theoretical perspectives on disability studies, law and policy, and
global perspectives on disability studies in education and law.
Co-sponsored by Disability Studies in Education, the Syracuse University Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies, the SU College of Law Disability Law and Policy Program, and the SU School of Education, this year’s conference brings together scholars in disability studies in education and disability law to explore both the history of disability advocacy and continued struggles for disability rights in educational contexts.
Speakers from the AALS disability Law section include Bob Dinerstein, Wendy Hensel, Arlene Kanter, and Mark Weber. Additionally, Martha Minow is giving a keynote presentation.
For a complete schedule or to register for the conference, visit: http://www.disabilitystudiesineducation.org/2009conference.htm
Hat Tip: Paul Secunda