One Book, One Community
Wayne State University Law School
Detroit, Michigan
October 9-11, 2009
Wayne State University Law School will be hosting the 24th Midwest Clinical Law Teachers Conference in Detroit, Michigan this fall, October 9-11. The Conference will be modeled on "one book, one community" projects that have been organized in towns and on campuses across the nation in the past decade. These projects encourage members of a community to read a thought-provoking book of common interest, and to discuss that book with other members of their community. These projects give participants a fuller appreciation of a book, and build community by giving participants an opportunity to learn from and about each other.
Kevin Boyle's award-winning book, Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age, will be the "one book" at the heart of the Conference. Arc of Justice recounts the tale of Ossian Sweet, an African American doctor who was prosecuted for murder after defending his home against a mob determined to drive him from an all-white, working-class neighborhood on Detroit's east side. Arc of Justice is rich with material for members of the clinical community to discuss, including the history of residential segregation in the Midwest, trial testimony of dubious veracity, critical strategic decisions made without client consultation, extensive trial excerpts of Clarence Darrow in action, and the creation of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Clinical law teachers who plan to attend the Conference are strongly encouraged to add Arc of Justice to their summer reading lists, and to consider the following question after reading the book: Was Ossian Sweet right in exercising his rights?
The Conference will be preceded by parallel pre-conference workshops for clinicians with scholarly or curricular works-in-progress. A Clinical Writers Workshop will give clinicians with scholarly works-in-progress an opportunity to share ideas with other clinicians who are writing on related topics. A Clinical Design Workshop will give clinicians who are developing new clinical courses, or substantially modifying existing ones, an opportunity to share ideas with other clinicians who are engaged in the clinical design process. Clinicians who wish to participate in one of these workshops should register for the Conference and send a one-page description of their work-in-progress to David Moss ([email protected]) by September 4. Workshop participants will be placed in small groups of approximately four clinicians, with an experienced clinical professor to facilitate discussion and generate additional ideas. Participants will be expected to submit a more detailed description or draft of their work-in-progress by October 2, 2009, and to read their colleagues' works-in-progress prior to attending the Conference.
The complete Conference brochure/registration packet is available online at:
Beautiful!!! You truly have an eye for colour.
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Posted by: Canada Goose Jacket | November 25, 2011 at 10:49 PM
Boo hoo alright, it was only three who topped themselves. Pity a few more, (particularly Mahommed Daoud) didn't take that option also.
Posted by: Arcteryx Jackets | December 03, 2011 at 02:27 AM
Boo hoo alright, it was only three who topped themselves. Pity a few more, (particularly Mahommed Daoud) didn't take that option also.
Posted by: Arcteryx Jackets | December 03, 2011 at 02:30 AM