July 17th Deadline
The SALT board of governors invites current SALT members to submit names, including their own, to run for election to the board. The election will be held in early fall.
The SALT board of governors meets three times a year: at the AALS annual meeting in January, in the spring, and in the fall. Membership on the board also includes work on a SALT committee. Please browse the SALTLAW.org website to see the committees. The heart of SALT is its committees. This year the Human Rights, Affirmative Action, Issues in Legal Education, and LGBT committees have been especially active. In 2010, SALT will be involved in planning two teaching conferences: March 19-20 at Golden Gate University School of Law on poverty law and December 10-11 at University of Hawai’i on the law school of the future.
Please submit the names of nominees and a brief biography by July 17th to Tayyab Mahmud and Hazel Weiser.